Current situation and forms of coexistence of the social strata and groups of the target countries, conflicts between different cultures etc...
The role of immigrants in the development of the populations of each target language country and the reasons for restricting immigration, etc...
Opportunities to work in the target language countries, if any, difficulties etc...
The political establishment of the target language countries. Fundamental rights and obligations, major political parties, the role of the referendum etc...
Tradition, weight and importance of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) etc...
Economic situation and main economic sectors of the target language countries. Knowledge of some famous brands, products etc...
Finances, currency and money usage patterns of the target language countries etc...
Environmental problems specific to the target language countries etc...
The role of organic farming in the agriculture of the target language countries etc...
Causes and possible consequences of climatic changes specific to the target language countries etc...
Use of conventional and alternative/renewable energy sources in target countries etc...
Nature protection, national parks, landscape protection districts, landscape management in the target language countries etc...
Sustainable economy and consumption patterns, consumer protection issues. Environmental awareness, quality awareness and sustainability in everyday life etc...